2018 DOH Advent Calendar Was a Great Ending to the Year!
Posted by Stephen Boyajian on 1/14/2019The second annual DOH Advent Calendar was a successful cap to a fantastic year for our club. The styles were varied, the beers were excellent and I personally gained 10 pounds over the holidays. I attribute at least 3 of those to the amount of beer I had to drink.
Below is a list of all of the beers that were entered and shared during this event.
1. Jake Osman - Pumpkin / Seasonal Ale
2. Alex Hannigan - Imperial Wit

3. Dan Ryan - American IPA
4. Dan Taubken - Ultra Light Hoppy Holidays Lager
5. Greg Bell - Cream Ale
6. Jon Stone - Porter
7. Dan Roy - Kolsch Ale (22 -- 3 Pale Ale)
8. Sean Leach - Graf
9. Tommy Seaford - Milk Stout
10. Zach Pistilli - Blackberry Sour
11. Kenneth Padgett - Bo Pils
12. Dave Schulz - English Ale
13. Patrick Schmidt - Dark Chocolate Coconut Porter
14. Wesley Sikich - October Ale
15. Jeff Strahan - Irish Red
16. Greg Ramirez - IPA
17. Matt Hyatt - Stout
18. Chris Taylor - Winter Seasonal
19. Chris Theobald - American Light Lager
20. Mike C - Dunkelweizen
21. Ray Eck & Ty Bachus - Gingerbread Brown Ale
22. Stephen Boyajian - Smoked Cherry Pecan Porter
23. Ian Williams - Earl Grey Bitter
24. Cody Powell - Barrel-Aged Belgian
It was hard to pick a favorite, and I'm sure that was different for everyone. This has become a tradition the club seems to enjoy and one I look forward to every year!